July 2020 Board Notes




Board Attended: Tristan Anderson, Kim Hofer, Christina Kramer, Michelle Clark, Ashley Rahn, John Itzin
Board Absent: Anthony LaBerge
Observers: Troy MacDonald, Heather Bufkin


Meeting called to order 19:00


  1. Recap off cycle board actions and votes

    • Board Position Announcements

      1. Received applications for Communities and Communications

      2. Member at Large Board Position

        1. Proposing Hotura Vo for that position.

          1. All in favor

  2. Open Session (First 30 minutes)

    • Questions about Instagram and Twitter use of ATC, trying to get access to those platforms

  3. Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners

    • None

  4. Equipment Rental Requests

    • None

Coordinator Updates

  • Anime Detour

    • Executive post mortem

    • Received 11 

    • Basic requirements are not being met, need department heads to answer emails,

    • Might need to switch to virtual elements if we are not able to put on a 

    • Moving into 1 to 1s

    • First staff meeting on the 25th, will have a department head meeting before that

    •  By December 1st we will have to take a close look at where we are

      • Depends on gathering guidelines at that point

      • Nearly everything we do would be impacted if we are still under 6 feet distancing

      • Cognizant of issue, hopeful won’t have to go digital but might

      • Still some open positions. 

      • Unlocked app?

  • Charities

    • Emailed various charities, 1 library responded back for us to help advertise their programs

  • Communities

    • Email was sent about Youth oriented Anime/Cosplay Club

      • Not going to be able to hold club for some time

  • Communications

    • Started to get accounts in order, updated, and linked together

  • SOS

    • Discord hangouts

    • Sunday would have been a cosplay picnic, so are trying to do a Virtual Cosplay get together instead. 

      • Doing a coloring contest

      • Trivia

      • Thread for cosplay photos

      • Remote Iron cosplay

    • Tristan wants to talk with Heather about advertising etc in the future, wants to try to bring more ideas.

    • Heather intends to submit her resignation at the end of September. Has been in this position for 10 years and is just burnt out at this point. Her new teammates have been very encouraging and amazing, but covid situation has made it too hard for her to do anymore. Has lots of documentation for current processes for whomever takes over to help with transition. 

    • Tristan will work with Heather about crafting post to fill this position. 

  • Finance

    • Bank Account $211,149.75

      • $1100 in refunds checks that haven’t been cashed yet, mostly Artist Alley

    • Education Fund $2,262.32

    • LEG Account $10,891.92

      • Annual Match generally gets moved in September, but not sure if there will be a big move

      • Has to make an appointment to get to the bank 

      • Still has plan to start the budget process at the end of the month, normally we would have registration open by now

      • We might just have to work with the current budget we have

      • In the last two years we have waited until later to open registration

      • Something on back end caused technical difficulties, waiting on IT for finalization of registration opening this year

Updates on current Board projects

  1. Bylaws Revision

  2. Review ATC Policies

  3. Coordinator Goals

    • Wanted to look over them and see where they are going, 

    • Lots of discussion about open positions

    • Need to pick a point person to help advertise these positions

    • Need to interview the 2 that we have applicants for

      1. Member at large replacement took priority over these positions

5 minute break 20:06-20:13

  1. GPS Status

    • They are currently running a fundraiser

      1. Tristan will work with Jay about getting posted on social media.

    • Do we know what their lease terms are, everything they do or dont effects us.

    • They should increase their efforts of their revenue streams, vs being so dependent on Cons like Detour

    • Are they functioning at a deficit with no annual reserves?

    • We need more information about how their business functions

    • Kim will reach out to GPS about financial statements and copy of contract

    • Main concern is need to know what happens if they can’t pay the money and when that happens 

  2. Removal of ATC Member 

    • Shortly after the last meeting, we were notified by Troy that a member of the Anime Detour Staff has been dismissed due to violations of code of conduct, that was put in place by ATC. We feel it is appropriate that this person should be dismissed from membership from Anime Twin Cities. Not looking to ban that person, just wanting to dismiss them from Anime Twin Cities membership. 

      1. Motion to dismiss Rob Conde from staff on Anime Twin Cities 

        1. All in favor

Board Members’ Projects

  • End of May Locker inventory due (skipping this year, Kim has numbers)

  • Timeline for LEG recipients for website content

  • List of charities we donated to for website content - we have a list, need a page on website

  • Coordinator Web Pages

  • Intellectual Property Document 

    • Possibly referencing the registration website programming?

  • Trademark infringement letter Troy was going to pull some examples of C&D letters.

    • Can lawyer send us a blank template

  • Annual Report for ATC/AD? - October Board Meeting 


  • Voting Website Membership

    • Wants to reup this membership, looks like around $60 a year

    • All in favor

Meeting adjourned at 20:47