June 2020 Board Notes




Board Attended: Tristan Anderson, Kim Hofer, Christina Kramer, Michelle Clark, Anthony LaBerge, Ashley Rahn, John Itzin
Board Absent:
Observers: Troy MacDonald, Heather Bufkin


Meeting called to order 18:33


  1. Recap off cycle board actions and votes

    • No Donations have been allocated as of yet. 

      1. Michelle will look into reaching out with LEG fund information for 2nd Harvest 

  2. Open Session (First 30 minutes)

    • Vote to rescind previous motion of bylaw change from article 3 section 3 last section 

      1. Unanimous vote

        1. Will email membership advising this will no longer be happening, will send full bylaw change 

  1. Planned Discussions from scheduled visiting parties/ATC Partners

    1. None

  2. Equipment Rental Requests

    1. None

  3. Coordinator Updates

  • Anime Detour

    • Executive meeting on Saturday for closing out the last cycle, looking to proceed forward as we can with whatever restrictions there may be for the 2020-2021 cycle.

    • Looking at staff handbook to make sure it accurately reflects information that is relevant before disseminating it back out for feed back or staff utilization, wants physical copies if physical meetings are available, as well as implementation into the staff list, as well as viewable by anyone at anytime. Clarifying disciplinary process and promotions. And clarifying mission for AD.

    • In flux for closing this cycle, looking at holding a virtual meeting this month, possibly a Q&A looking for flexibility in meetings as July would be first meeting in new cycle. 

    • Looking at ADs relationship with Minneapolis PD, not obligated to work with them, looking at alternatives. 

    • Looking at doing a meeting similar to board meeting, with executive team and livestream and the chat. Not a normally scheduled cycle meeting, will not count to totals, just will be a Q&A that people can attend if they want. 

    • Looking into livestreaming meeting real time for staff, even without Covid restrictions. 

  • Charities

    • Will finalize letter for charitable giving not happening, tonight or tomorrow.

    • LEG fund is for people to reach out when they need a hand

    • People that want to get involved with charities please email either the Board or Charities email 

  • Communities

    • Got an email about cosplay/anime club for kids

    • Waiting on clarification for position 

  • Communications

    • Waiting on clarification for position

  • SOS

    • Still running the discord

    • Plans got derailed due to protesting

    • Team has been doing some social hours anyway

      • Kayla will be taking over a lot of it until Heather has more time

    • Cosplay picnic is cancelled, will look into getting refunded from park 

  • Finance

    • Very little income and a lot of money going out

    • Believe have processed most refunds, except about $2000 just some artist alley and attendees haven’t cashed checks. 

    • Case by case review for people who want refunds though it did close on 6/1/20. 

    • Bank $217355.76

    • LEG $10891.83

    • Scholarship $2262.30

      • No movement

    • Would normally start thinking about the budget cycle for Detour, will cover that privately with Troy in the next couple of weeks. 

Updates on current Board projects

  1. Proposal for recording board meetings

    • Postponing to August due to Bylaw Revisions 

  2. 5 Year Plan

    • Postponing to August due to Bylaw Revision

  3. Proposal for waiving Anime Twin Cities membership costs for Anime Detour staff who meet requirements for free badge

    • Based off of a lot of research, looking at trying to drop this subject

    • Have to have membership to to be a member ie run for something, vote for something, also to have the ability to suggest bylaws or request records, AD is a members only event, why buying a membership is very important 

    • Currently bylaws allow for complimentary/honorary members - but do not have voting rights or membership rights

    • Basically seems like not allowed to have free badges

      1. Troy - that will significantly affect the convection, microsoft, sony, burlesque people, etc, they all get free badges

    • Seems like we are going to need different kinds of membership

      1. Ashley will look into it, about if it is OK to have people that are part of a production, they don’t necessarily have to have membership

      2. Could try to pool info from other anime conventions

      3. Currently exhibitor badges are part of departments budgets

  4. Bylaws Revision

    • Will be finished up for the next board meeting

Break 9:18-9:27

  1. Coordinator selection process

    • Past process- open up to applications, take applications, then close them after getting some, board interviews them, and chooses who they think is appropriate, and the board makes that vote, it is an appointed position so no membership votes

    • Ideally we would want it posted on all available media

      1. Should be mandated that they are posted to the outside world, not just emailed to staff

      2. Difficult to coordinate as we haven’t had a permanent social media person in awhile 

      3. Communications on: ATC page, ATC Staff Page, ATC website, ATC Staff email, can discuss with coordinators to see if they can promote as well, could also ask an external group to share the posts as well (ex Twin Cities Geeks or WRAC), Twitter, Insta

      4. Get posts made by 6/12/20

      5. Advertise positions with interest with a deadline of 7/1 for applications

        1. atc_applications@animetwincities.org 

      6. Announce decision by next months board meeting

  2. Member at Large fill in - send email that member at large is open

    • Boards pick will be announced at July board meeting, and then will be sent to members for ratification in time to begin serving at the August board meeting. 

  3. Coordinator Reviews

    • Goals will be written next month

      1. Should send out previous years goals, when soliciting reviews


Open Board Projects/Future Meeting discussions (sorted by due date):

  • Meeting Month <Caretaker(s)> - Example Project 

  • June <Tristan/Ashley> - Proposal for waiving Anime Twin Cities membership costs for Anime Detour staff who meet requirements for free badge

  • June <President> - Board Members’ Projects

  • June <President> - Coordinator Reviews

  • July <?> - Review ATC policies

  • July <?> - Coordinator Goals

Meeting called to adjourn at 10:22 PM


The below can be discussed via email if any of these projects still need to be done. 

Board Members’ Projects (written last summer)

  • Board notes from July 12 has list

  • Policy Indexing (Tristan)

    • Done and organized, need to get them loaded on website still

  • Updating bylaws on website

    • Looking for votes from previous meetings for missing bylaws on website

  • Rules for appointing board member midterm

  • Annual locker inventory (Kim) adding to board projects

  • Board member bios and photos (Secretary) Should be a June item annually.  Tony and John need to submit to IT.

  • Timeline for LEG recipients for website content

  • List of charities we donated to for website content

  • Coordinator Web Pages

  • Pictures for SOS Already there

  • Artwork for GPS dropping

  • Intellectual Property Document

  • ATC Vision Statement need to get on website

  • Trademark infringement letter Troy was going to pull some examples of C&D letters.

    • Lauren wonders if our lawyer can send us a blank template

  • Sign for ATC office DONE

  • Standard Ad for convention cycle more AD than ATC so dropping.

  • Annual Report for ATC.  Combined with AD.  Andy and Troy were to discuss.  Troy has some information, John offering to assist with Troy.

  • Need to update website for board members

  • July Lauren to present ethics and attendance proposals

  • End of May Locker inventory due

  • Troy wonders if we have a business plan and thinking we should have one.

    • We have visions/mission of where we want to go but no plan to get there

    • Troy willing to help

    • John will own, and reach out to the entire board.